3D models

Custom made models, mainly for 3D print, such as fursuit eyes, keychains, etc.

Price depends on complexity and time spend on the model. (Usually around 8€ (200kč) for fursuit eyes)

protogen keychain
fursuit eyes 1
fursuit eyes 2
fursuit eyes 3
fursuit eyes 4

3D print

Printing of 3D models, such as fursuit eyes, keychains, etc. Mostly custom models, but can be any model.

Price depends used material and prepare time, not counting failed prints. (Usually 27€ (700kč) per Kg of material)

3D printed mask
3D printed fountain
3D printed bunny
3D printed eyes
3D printed dragon

minecraft models

Custom minecraft 3D models. Can also be skin.

Price depends on complexity and time spend on the model.

minecraft dragon model
miencraft noodle dragon model